Every weekend and holiday between Memorial Day and Labor Day from 12 to 8 p.m., traffic officers and City staff will be directing cars in and out of parking structures, relieving crowded intersections and trouble spots, and keeping intersections clear of gridlock. City staff in the City’s Traffic Management Center will monitor traffic conditions and make real-time adjustments to the timing of traffic signals and message boards.
During Go With the Flow, officials need the community’s help by following these simple rules:
Travel north along 2nd Street and south along 4th Street to access downtown parking structures.
Only make right turns in and out of parking structures. No left turns out of parking garages will be allowed.
Walk, bike or take public transportation to downtown Santa Monica to limit traffic congestion.
If taking a rideshare service to and from the Santa Monica Pier, please use the new ride share loading zones on Ocean Avenue just north of Colorado. There are new ride share zones signs are being installed to clearly mark these zones.
The Go With the Flow program has been in place since the summer of 2014. The program’s primary goal is to keep the flow of traffic moving, streets safer and parking easier to find in downtown Santa Monica.
For more information about the Go With the Flow program, visit www.gowiththeflowsm.com.
Submitted by Andrew Maximous, Principal Transportation Engineer