For many, the pandemic lockdowns seemed like the perfect opportunity to get a pet but as some have returned to offices and the cost of amenities such as pet food and vet visits have gone up, the number of pets being surrendered to already crowded shelters seems to be on the rise.
Three Santa Monica Women are on a mission to make a dent in the problem. In February 2022, sisters Isabelle and Inna Kreydin and friend Sienna Monnier came together to create Bubbles Dog Rescue with the goal of pulling as many dogs as possible off of euthanization lists and placing them into loving "furever" homes. All three had previously volunteered with shelters but felt like they could do more, leading them to found the 501 C3 organization. The name Bubbles is in honor of a dog they were unable to save.
"We all have our own rescue dogs and we’ve been aware of the crisis in California of dogs being put down every day and shelters and people not caring for their pets well enough and basically this whole crisis of overcrowding," Kreydin said. "We had worked for other rescues, volunteered and we honestly just felt like, you know, we were kind of running the show and wanted to put matters into our own hands, like we could do more and we could be bigger and save more lives."
Since then, Monnier said they have rescued 218 dogs with 144 of those having been placed in permanent homes and the other 74 currently available for adoption. Kreydin said that finding the right owner is incredibly important to them and this is reflected in their thorough adoption process which includes an online application, video home check, phone interview, contract and adoption fee.
"For the whole lifetime of the dog you want them to be able to treat them as family, not a pet,and we never want them to be returned again," Kreydin said. " We're giving all these dogs a second chance of life and a new home and to be safe and loved and cared for forever – we want to make sure that we help the crisis and not add to it."
She encourages anyone considering adopting a pet to take the time to really consider if they will be able to care for them, which she said is often a greater commitment than people realize.
"It is a big decision, I think it's not only a big financial decision, but it's definitely also time consuming, it's a lot of work… and I think that it's something that, you know, people may not be too aware of, because of how cute they are," Kreydin said. "They think ‘oh they’re so cute’ but the truth is they're so cute and a lot of work but they’re always so worth it if you can really commit to it."
The ASPCA agrees that long-term commitment is necessary when taking in an animal as is an understanding of the costs. The group estimates it will cost around $634 per year to pay for a cat’s medical bills, food and toys. The costs for a dog range from about $512 per year for a small animal to $1,040 for a large breed.
If someone is sure a pet is a responsibility they are ready to take on, Kreydin and Monnier strongly advocate for choosing to adopt from a shelter or rescue rather than a breeder.
"If you support breeders last, you know, supply and demand wise, it could save a lot of lives if more people choose to adopt don’t shop," Kreydin said. "We can personally attest that these dogs are just as amazing and wonderful as any other."
For more information about Bubbles Dog Rescue and the pets they have available for adoption visit