Pier escapes Beach Bummer list
Ashley Napier Special to the Daily Press Heal the Bay has released their annual beach report card f
Ashley Napier Special to the Daily Press Heal the Bay has released their annual beach report card f
In a promising sign towards economic recovery, the City Council is set to vote on the updated FY 202
In the past 18 months, Pier and Harbor Service Officers who serve in SMPD’s little-known Harbor Un
As the City prepares for pride month, organizers are recruiting queer artists for a “Miles of Prid
Work continues on expansion of the beach path in Santa Monica with a new pedestrian walk way coming
After months of council meetings dominated by discussions of huge events, City Hall will be playing
Councilman Greg Morena has resigned from the Santa Monica City Council effective June 24 to focus on his family restaurant ...
The Santa Monica Fire Department (SMFD) will conduct a training exercise on the Santa Monica Pier th
Officers responded to the Mariasol restaurant regarding a theft investigation. Upon arrival officers
Special Olympics Southern California hosted Pier del Sol at the Santa Monica Pier. Featuring 35 of L