City of Santa Monica projects nearing completion
Although the city of Santa Monica is delaying, scaling back or canceling $40.4 million in capital pr
Although the city of Santa Monica is delaying, scaling back or canceling $40.4 million in capital pr
Although most municipal employees work in Santa Monica’s transit-rich downtown, just 16% commute b
Santa Monica City Council approved a plan to make Wilshire Boulevard safer, voted to extend a ban on
The city of Santa Monica has halted plans to relocate its parks maintenance crews to the Santa Monica Airport after ...
The City Council could strengthen Santa Monica’s home-sharing ordinance after a five-bedroom home was converted to an Airbnb housing up ...
The city of Santa Monica is replacing a water main on Ocean Avenue due to two water main breaks this ...
Santa Monica’s recycling program was poised to continue business as usual. The Allan Company, the city’s recycling contractor since 1993, ...
The City’s aggressive pursuit of leaf blowers in Santa Monica seems to be paying off – cases were ...
To make it possible for people to walk over the California Incline, city officials had to walk back the timeline ...