Local residents urged to vote in Primary Election on Tuesday
Santa Monica had a notably high voter participation rate of 68 percent in the last general election and local democratic ...
Santa Monica had a notably high voter participation rate of 68 percent in the last general election and local democratic ...
KATHLEEN RONAYNE Associated Press Every registered California voter will get a ballot mailed to the
JANIE HAR Associated Press A national awakening on race drove a well-funded campaign in California
CHRISTOPHER WEBER Associated Press A ballot measure restoring the right to vote for felons on paro
AMY TAXIN Associated Press Voters on Tuesday soundly rejected a ballot measure that have would let
BRIAN MELLEY Associated Press Uber, Lyft and other app-based ride-hailing and delivery services sp
DON THOMPSON Associated Press California voters stuck with the state's traditional cash bail syste
Across Santa Monica stores are boarding up and ballots are going in. As the City prepares for the possibility of ...
Tuesday's election will test the boundaries of California's left-leaning politics as a new generation of state voters is being asked ...
A fire inside an official Los Angeles County ballot drop box is being investigated as arson and has