The deadline to register for the City of Malibu’s excellent Coed Coach Pitch Baseball and Girls Coach Pitch Softball programs coming up fast on Friday, February 7. Each league must meet the minimum registration of 18 participants by the deadline on Friday, February 7.
The Baseball and Softball programs offer great opportunities for boys and girls ages 4 to 7 to learn the game of baseball or softball in a fun, supportive, recreational environment. In each turn at-bat, players will receive five pitches from their own coach. If they are unable to hit off the pitch, a tee will be used to ensure success. No player strikes out!
Practices are held once a week on Thursdays or Fridays at Malibu schools, and games are scheduled on Saturdays at Malibu Bluffs Park, March 7 through May 16, with no games scheduled April 11 through April 18. The practice day and location will be chosen by the volunteer parent coach, and the game schedule will be distributed following the registration deadline. The league registration fee is $150 per player and includes a jersey, picture package, and end-of-program award. Registrations received after February 7 are $175 per player and will be accepted only if space is available.
For more information contact Recreation Coordinator Rachel Cummings at 310-456-2489, ext. 358 or visit Parents may register online at, in-person at Malibu Bluffs Park, or in-person at Malibu City Hall.
Submitted by Matt Myerhoff