The Santa Monica Police Department (SMPD), working with a multitude of partners, has announced the arrest of three of the six suspects involved in a March burglary of Ulta Beauty at 1234 Wilshire Blvd.
On Thursday, SMPD detectives, alongside the Los Angeles Police Department Organized Retail Crime Task Force, served a search warrant in the 1200 block of 90th Place in Los Angeles. The warrant, served by a team comprised of SMPD SWAT, UAS, Patrol, Criminal Investigations Division personnel and the Crime Task Force, resulted in the arrest of three individuals related to the March 23 crime. Taken into custody for burglary were Jamari Caleed Mouton, age 24, Christine Eelayia Walker, age 21 and Taveon Mekhai Ray, age 22.
The burglary at Ulta Beauty took place on March 23 a little before 4am, when six suspects armed with sledgehammers broke through the front window of the store. The suspects, all wearing hoodies and face masks, used the sledgehammers to break open glass display cases containing high-end fragrances, taking over $23,000 in merchandise. The suspects left the location in two dark-colored vehicles.
Following an investigation, the suspects were tracked to a South Los Angeles location and ultimately identified. The search warrant on April 11 also recovered two firearms and merchandise from the Ulta burglary. Evidence recovered during the search have detectives believing the individuals are part of a larger organized retail theft crime ring with possible gang connections. The three arrested were released from custody with citations per the LA County bail schedule.
“The excellent outcome of this investigation is due in great part to our strong partnership with LAPD and the Task Force,” SMPD stated in a press release. “Detectives are confident the other three individuals responsible for the Ulta burglary will be arrested soon.”