The northbound 405 Freeway off-ramp to Sunset Boulevard will be closed for about four months starting on Aug. 3, according to a L.A. Metro press release.
Motorists who normally use the Sunset off-ramp are advised to plan for longer travel times and alternative routes, take public transit instead of driving and avoid unnecessary trips to reduce traffic.
Those traveling westbound on Sunset are encouraged to instead use the westbound off-ramp to Wilshire Boulevard from the I-405 to northbound Sepulveda Boulevard, then travel to eastbound Sepulveda Way and then to westbound Sunset.
At night, motorists are advised to take the westbound Wilshire off-ramp, turn right on San Vicente Boulevard, right on Barrington Avenue and left onto Sunset.
For motorists going east on Sunset, they are advised to take the east Wilshire off-ramp to northbound Veteran Avenue and eastbound Sunset.
L.A. Metro is closing the off-ramp for an extended period of time to create a longer off-ramp that will hold 60 percent more vehicles and prevent traffic blockages that intrude onto the freeway, according to the statement.
During the off-ramp closure, Sepulveda Boulevard will be entirely closed from Montana Avenue to Moraga Drive from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.