New York company makes City’s largest real estate purchase
The largest real estate deal in the city’s history closed this week with the sale of eight propert
The largest real estate deal in the city’s history closed this week with the sale of eight propert
MATTHEW HALL SMDP Editor One of six new developments featuring tiny apartments will head to the Arc
Almost 500 apartments — 100 of them affordable — are planned downtown, in the Pico neighborhood
A five-story building will replace a parking lot in Downtown Santa Monica, adding another 100 apartm
Plans for an eight-story building at the corner of 6th Street and Colorado Avenue are moving forward. Last week, the ...
Three items added to Tuesday's City Council agenda shortly before close of business Friday could reshape Santa Monica's housing regulations. ...
An eight-story apartment building at 6th Street and Colorado Avenue will replace popular restaurant Fritto Misto. The building at 601 ...
A developer will be able to build the six micro-apartment buildings that the city of Santa Monica moved to block ...
Landlords could no longer renovate occupied apartments without a tenant’s consent and would be prohibited from subdividing rent-controlled units under ...
Four new proposed buildings will add 124 affordable apartments and 92 market-rate apartments to downtown and Ocean Park. Three buildings ...