Special Council meeting to focus on changes to police oversight commission
CLARA HARTER SMDP Staff Writer As the year draws to a close, so too does the unfair labor practice d
CLARA HARTER SMDP Staff Writer As the year draws to a close, so too does the unfair labor practice d
CLARA HARTER SMDP Staff Writer The City and the Santa Monica Police Officers Association reached a s
After a year and a half in the wringer due to the pandemic, civil unrest and economic uncertainty, i
Ramon Batista has been chosen as the next Chief of Police for the City of Santa Monica. Batista was previously ...
The topic “21st Century Policing: Who Is Policing Who?” will focus on a panel of members of the newly established ...
On Saturday August 14, at 5:46 p.m. Santa Monica Firefighters responded to a report of a multiple vehicle traffic collision ...
I was involved in a literal fender bender last week. At a dead stop on 7th Street at San Vicente, ...
Sofia Laurel Pirri Special to the Daily Press The Santa Monica Police Department accepts responsibi
Authorities have identified the man who was killed in a shooting in Venice on Tuesday morning. Luca