Holiday season brings visitors but no certainty on recovery
Dec. 31 marked the end of another challenging year for Santa Monica’s retail and restaurant indust
Dec. 31 marked the end of another challenging year for Santa Monica’s retail and restaurant indust
COVID-19 testing and quarantine rules are set to change — again — for Santa Monica public school
City Council voted to delay a final decision on a proposed COVID-19 mandate. Will Santa Monica’s
LINDSEY TANNER AP Medical Writer Distrust, misinformation and delays because of the holidays and ba
Santa Monicans ages 18 and up who have not yet received their full COVID-19 vaccination could soon f
LINDSEY TANNER and MIKE STOBBE AP Medical Writers Hospitalizations of U.S. children under 5 with CO
MATTHEW HALL Daily Press Editor While COVID-19 cases continue to surge across all of Los Angeles, Sa
If you ordered one of LA County’s free at-home COVID-19 test kits in the last week or so, you may
RODRIQUE NGOWI, MICHAEL CASEY and DON THOMPSON Associated Press Hospitals across the U.S. are feeli
CARLA K. JOHNSON AP Medical Writer The explosive increase in U.S. coronavirus case counts is raisin