Santa Monica Art Studios owner accuses City of corruptly seizing his business
Local artist Yossi Govrin filed a lawsuit on Nov. 17 against the City of Santa Monica and Mayor Kevi
Local artist Yossi Govrin filed a lawsuit on Nov. 17 against the City of Santa Monica and Mayor Kevi
The voters have spoken loud and clear, and we need unity not monkey business.
City Councilmembers Ana Maria Jara, Terry O’Day and Ted Winterer bid farewell to fellow councilmem
We all know, deep down, dang it, that there lies the only possible path out of this mess of devisiveness. ...
That was a hit song for the Irish rockers Boomtown Rats in 1979. It could al
The race for Santa Monica City Council is headed for a major upset with an unprecedented number of i Prizes range from gift cards to local businesses to some cool smdp swag if you get 100% of the ...
To responsibly participate in democracy, you must do your research. This year, the Daily Press staff has published over 22 ...
The California Fair Political Practices Commission rejected a complaint last week filed by local law
LOCAL ELECTION CHEATING, DIRTY TRICKS! Sign, sign, everywhere a sign… It’s not a very big deal