Tesla’s market value tops $1T after Hertz orders 100K cars
TOM KRISHER AP Auto Writer Hertz announced Monday that it will buy 100,000 electric vehicles from T
TOM KRISHER AP Auto Writer Hertz announced Monday that it will buy 100,000 electric vehicles from T
Malibu Court decides in favor of Malibu in case with Verizon Wireless The U.S. District Court has r
On Oct. 20, Planning Commission granted CPC Compassion Inc. a permit to operate Santa Monica’s fir
The Santa Monica Bay Woman’s Club is looking for a few good women. As an enticement to join the ve
The Westside Food Bank (WFB) saw an unprecedented spike in need when the Covid-related stay-at-home
DAVID KOENIG AP Airlines Writer Southwest Airlines canceled more than 350 flights Monday following
DON THOMPSON, Associated Press California moved Friday to extend the sale of cocktails-to-go and ke
The Michelson Institute for Intellectual Property (Michelson IP) recently awarded three Santa Monica
Santa Monica’s first Taco Wars are coming on Saturday and it will feature some of the best taco ch
MARCY GORDON, AP Business Writer A former Facebook data scientist told Congress on Tuesday that the social network giant's products ...