Virtual art workshop sparks inspiration at addiction center
Staring at drab walls while staying at home will leave anyone feeling uninspired, but this is no lon
Staring at drab walls while staying at home will leave anyone feeling uninspired, but this is no lon
Locals venturing near beach parking lots in recent weeks may have noticed dozens of chalk art pieces
Like many facets of life, the arts have been severely disrupted since the start of the pandemic. But
With Santa Monica’s nonessential businesses temporarily closed, the plywood covering storefronts a
Editor's Note: Due to a production problem. Curious City was delayed a day. I’VE HAD IT WITH THAT MURAL! And ...
YOU MAY HAVE READ The news story in yesterday’s Daily Press about the weekend meetings to determi
The Santa Monica College Emeritus Art Gallery presents an exhibition of creative works by Emeritus students Parvaneh Bassiri, Marty Luber, ...
Please join the Malibu City Council, Commissioners, fellow community members, business and civic leaders, neighbors and friends for a celebration ...
The Massey brothers know you might not like the statue of a homeless man recently installed at 26th
A new sculpture has been installed at the former Savings and Loan building (26th and Wilshire). The statue, titled “In ...