WHAT'S THE POINT — We're in the home stretch of election time. One last week to go. Thank you Jeezus. One more week and those annoying lawn signs can be put in the trash bin of history. Bonzo and Lola can go back to doing their real job as the dogs who guard that little yellow electric car and stop shilling for Bobby Shriver, and I can stop seeing the endless airport pre-roll ads on my YouTube videos.
Six more days of throwing away the never-ending campaign materials. Some of which I've even read. Not many mind you, because they all seem to say the same things, "Vote for ME! Because I'm more awesomer than the other candidate!"
I haven't read the "official" materials yet, but I will and I'll make some decisions about how I'm voting on all the various propositions. I'll pick a candidate or two to vote for and I'll probably be in the booth early next Tuesday to avoid the rush.
Voting is a weird thing. I do it every election, I usually don't have any great sense of satisfaction afterwards though. It rarely feels like I've accomplished anything. After all, it's my little one man vote in a vast sea of others. Does my one vote actually matter? Yes. Yes it does.
My vote matters, not in the way that a candidate's future actually hangs on a single voter, or a proposition will or wont fail based on my lone inkblot, but collectively when we all make our voices heard the will of the majority is enacted. If I don't take the time to put my two cents in, then I have no real moral standing to complain about anything that happens afterwards. Conversely, by voting, I can now crow proudly or winge vociferously about the corrupt practices and extensive graft that I believe goes on. So for me, the small act of voting yields me years worth of moral credibility.
For example, in the election that followed the recall of Gray Davis I voted for the one man that I thought had true constitutional principles, he was a proven businessman, and he knew how to get things done and make his voice heard. I voted proudly for Larry Flynt and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
That vote gave me the moral grounding to complain for the next six years about the Governor as much as I wanted. And since he and I had some fundamental differences it was very important for me to be able to criticize him. The same way that I could criticize our current governor - as soon as he does something I don't like. So long as I participate in the process, no matter how little I do, I am not abdicating my duties nor my rights to others.
I live in the world where the laws change regularly that affect people's lives. The family and civil code are ever evolving quagmires that ensnare people in ways they never thought about. Most of these traps are laid by lobbying groups that push through legislation in the Assembly and Senate and before the public knows it, they have had their lives regulated in untold ways. If you don't believe me, just check out all the safety gear that a child has to have these days for a parent to avoid being a 'negligent' parent who is 'endangering their child.'
It is for these reasons that I encourage others to vote early and often. For so long as you are in the game, you have a right to pick on the players and the coaches. Okay you can't really vote often here like you can in Chicago, however you can and should vote. We don't live in one of those Red States that believes in voter fraud prevention to the point where they are enforcing some voter id laws that actually prevent people from voting.
Our representative government is not perfect yet we live in a society that does allow for open and vigorous debate of the issues of the day. We do evolve on issues, we do change our thinking on many issues. While we have far too much corporate money in the game and not enough individual participants we do still have a voice and we need more people to feel that they can and should vote. A large percentage of our society is so disgusted, and apathetic that the process is easily manipulated by corrupt individuals which then validates the disgust and apathy of those who abstain from participating.
Please vote next week, we need to hear from you, if only so you can complain about the losers who won.
David Pisarra is a Los Angeles Divorce and Child Custody Lawyer specializing in Father's and Men's Rights with the Santa Monica firm of Pisarra & Grist. He welcomes your questions and comments. He can be reached at dpisarra@pisarra.com or 310/664-9969.You can follow him on Twitter @davidpisarra