Traffic Jams And Indigestion
Dear Editor:
What ever happened to the good old days when the worst things we had to fear on Memorial Day were traffic jams and indigestion?
Folks setting to break out their outdoor grill this Memorial Day face a nasty choice. If they undercook their hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken nuggets, their family and friends may face food poisoning by E. coli and Salmonella bacteria. The U.S. Meat and Poultry Hotline advises raising the temperature.
But our own National Cancer Institute warns that high-temperature grilling of pro-cessed meats produces cancer-causing compounds.
Do we really need to choose between food poisoning and cancer?
Luckily, a bunch of enterprising food processors have met this challenge head-on by developing a great variety of healthful, delicious plant-based veggie burgers, veggie dogs, and soy nuggets. These products don’t harbor nasty bugs or cancer-causing compounds. They don’t even offer cholesterol, saturated fats, drugs, or pesticides like their animal-based alternatives. And, they are waiting for us in the frozen food section of our neighborhood supermarket, along with nut-based milks, ice creams, and other dairy-free desserts.
This Memorial Day, let's stay safe on the roads, but let's extend the safety net to our family barbecue grill.
Ed Laren
Santa Monica