I don't understand why it's OK for the mayor and mayor pro tempore of Santa Monica to attempt closure of Santa Monica Airport when they've both purchased homes directly under the flight path of aircraft departing our runway, but that's exactly what happened at the July 26 Santa Monica City Council meeting.
Neither Tony Vazquez nor Ted Winterer seem to think they have a conflict of interest. Yet when agenda items having to do with telecommunications and with our school district came up, council members Gleam Davis and Kevin McKeown (employed by AT&T and the Santa Monica-Malibu school district, respectively) recused themselves and left council chambers faster than Tom Cruise in an F-14 on full afterburner, so I'm fairly sure the concept is known on the dais.
There are many things we think we're entitled to here in Santa Monica, and the appearance of impropriety going unchecked seems to be on the list for Vazquez and Winterer.
John Jerabek
Santa Monica