From the day Bill Bauer started his columns evaluating the ballot, I have been waiting impatiently for each Monday's Daily Press for his opinions, and have agreed with him 100 percent until today ("Races, propositions run the gamut," My Write, Oct. 15).
Regarding Congressman Waxman, he has this to say.
"When it comes to military veterans, Waxman comes up way short."
He quotes Councilman Bobby Shriver: "It's way past time for Mr. Waxman to make housing mentally disabled vets a real priority. He can build the housing immediately if he decides to do so."
But if you read the Daily Press 2012 Vote Local Election Guide ("Waxman faces tough test"), in answer to the question about the lack of housing for homeless veterans at the VA, Waxman answers: "I met with General (Eric) Shinseki, the head of the VA. He agreed that we needed housing for the homeless, agreed he'd take a couple of the buildings that are there and do that so there can be a place for residential homeless vets. Yet they still haven't figured out how to do that."
As a veteran, this sounds familiar to me, but they eventually came through for me. In the future, I suggest that Mr. Bauer not only write for the Daily Press, but also read it.
Cecilia Rosenthal
Santa Monica