A word of thanks to Bill Bauer. I've never been to a City Council or a planning meeting, but I know Bill Bauer has. He probably rarely misses one, I would guess. Also, I think the powers that be must cringe when they see him walk into the room. I enjoy his commentary, but don't always agree with him. Plus, he's amusing and well informed. I laughed out loud when he described the consultant from the north, a Mr. Tumin, as one of the city's favorite "unicorn chasers." ("Tumlin still fooling himself," My Write, Feb. 25) Mr. Tumin is of course nothing but a pawn in the game of developers, so-called city planners, and some of the most odd ball City Council members I've ever encountered in a very long life. In five years this place is going to be one crowded, super chaotic mess if things continue on like this, believe me. You can't put a square peg in a round hole, or an elephant in the backseat of a Smart Car. But I'm sure this City Council is going to give it its best shot.
Bill would be a great City Council member, except that he's probably too up front, crafty, and just too damn smart to ever want the job. Hats off to the biggest and the best watchdog Santa Monica's ever had. Thanks, Bill, for all you're trying to do.
Mark Edward Rhodes
Santa Monica