On Sunday evening, March 5, in honor of Women’s Month, Committee For Racial Justice will host a diverse panel of Women Who Lead in Social Justice Movements. These women will address issues of what it’s like to work for racial/social justice changes as a woman and as a person with an ethnic identity. They will share their experiences, challenges, accomplishments, and strategies for moving forward.
The diverse panel of women, moderated by Trudy Goodwin, will be:
Fumilola Fagbamila, a Nigerian American activist, community organizer, and artist currently at the Institute on Inequality and Democracy at UCLA.
Karen Hilfman, a leader in White People for Black Lives.
Lydia Poncé, Indigenous Woman, mother, grandmother, Idle No More SoCal Director, and active in AIM SoCal.
Lisa Hasegawa, at the UCLA Asian American Studies Center connecting students & faculty with racial justice and organizing leaders in the AAPI community,
Maegan Ortiz, Executive Director at Instituto de Educacion Popular del Sur de California that works with day labborers and household workers on organizing, educational, and policy strategies in order for them to change the world they live in.
This is part of an ongoing monthly workshop series sponsored by the Committee For Racial Justice. Co-sponsored by Virginia Ave. Park; the African American Parent, Staff, Student Support Group; and the Church in Ocean Park. For more information, call (310) 422-5431.
6 - 8:30 p.m. (potluck supper at 6 p.m. & program at 6:30 p.m.) Virginia Avenue Park, Thelma Terry Bldg., 2200 Virginia Ave. Free.
- Submitted by Joanne Berlin