Two vehicles were involved in a traffic accident on Tuesday afternoon at approximately 2:30pm. Early reports seem to indicate that one vehicle, what appears to be a black Dodge Challenger, somehow flipped over the concrete median barricade.
It is also believed that a dark green G-Class Mercedes SUV then collided with the Dodge as it attempted to take avoiding action.
Four people were taken to hospital, thankfully with no life-threatening injuries. However, traffic was stacked up for miles northbound along the Pacific Coast Highway and the 10 freeway as both lanes of the Tunnel were closed while authorities attempted to clear the scene as quickly as possible. The California Incline was also closed temporarily.
The Tunnel was reopened a little over an hour later and the flow of traffic slowly resumed.
+ + + UPDATE + + +
According to the California Highway Patrol (CHP) at 2:10pm yesterday, Tuesday May 7, a collision involving two vehicles traveling northbound occurred just inside the McClure Tunnel. The collision caused the Dodge Challenger to flip over the median to the southbound side.
That was then struck by another vehicle. Three people inside the Challenger suffered moderate injuries and were transported by the Santa Monica Fire Department to UCLA hospital along with the single individual in the southbound traveling vehicle.
The third vehicle involved was a Honda Accord. However, CHP suspects that a fourth vehicle was also involved, but fled the scene. They ask that anyone who might have any information reach out to Officer Bennett at the West LA division of CHP at (310) 642-3939.