SMPD welcomed two newest police officers (above):Paulina Cuenca and Ivan Lozano from the police academy and the Field Training Officer program last week. Cuenca is a former soccer player who played for the Republic of the Philippines. Lozano, a Southern California local, is a proud UCLA graduate.
The department also we welcomed their Lifesaving Medal awardees (below, left to right): Chief Batista, Officer Aurash Siah, Officer Darnell Crumpler, Officer Steven Soto, Officer Edgar Arana and Deputy Chief Jacob.

On the evening of May 19, 2024, the four officers were the first responders to the scene of a stabbing of multiple victims, tourists visiting from Germany. The officers applied a chest seal to one of the victims and CPR, restoring his breathing and pulse and stabilizing him long enough to be transported to a local hospital for medical treatment.
Submitted by the Santa Monica Police Department