Join Santa Monica community members, members of the Public Safety Reform Advisory Committee, and members of City of Santa Monica staff on Thursday, July 30, at 7 p.m. for a community listening session.
On June 9, 2020, the Santa Monica City Council unanimously affirmed the Obama Foundation’s Mayor’s Pledge, pursuant to which the City agreed to review its police use of force policies; engage the community by including a diverse range of input, experiences, and stories in its review; report the findings of the review to the community and seek feedback; and reform its police use of force policies. Following this direction, the Interim City Manager appointed a 15-member Public Safety Reform Advisory Committee to facilitate community input and make recommendations for reform to the Interim City Manager. The Advisory Committee has also been asked to review broader proposals for invest/divest strategies to better achieve public safety and wellbeing for all in the Santa Monica community.
This Community Listening Session is focused on use of force policies and divest/invest proposals. The events of May 31 are being reviewed separately through an SMPD Police Department After Action Report and an independent investigation that will follow that report.
Santa Monica community members are encouraged to participate in the meeting to share their experiences with public safety in the City and to provide insights and recommendations on reforms that they would like to see as the Public Safety Reform Advisory Committee begins its work.
Public comment will be facilitated by Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, an organizational change consultant and advocate for justice, equity, and inclusion who works with mission-driven organizations across the country to sustain healthy cultures by improving communication. Members of the public are encouraged to share their thoughts, whether positive or negative, honestly, openly, and consistent with the City’s rules of civility for public meetings.
The meeting will be held via teleconference in both English and Spanish.
To participate in this event register at
Watch on YouTube: or on Zoom:
Submitted by Miranda Iglesias, Public Information Coordinator