Hi, my name is Tobie! I’m a four-year-old male brown tabby. Sadly, my owner passed away and I was relinquished to the animal shelter. I have a reputation of being a true gentleman. Confident and well-adjusted, I never fail to be calm and polite. Chivalrous, it brings me joy to be sweet to others, attentive to people’s needs for affection, and spending quality time humans doing absolutely nothing. While my desires are plenty (treats, naps at my leisure, and frequent attention), I’m always respectful in my requests.
Because I am a carrier of feline viral rhinotracheitis that is potentially contagious to other cat, being the only cat in my new home is a must. But it gives more opportunity to shower my new family with love. Tobie, ID#A059492, is available for adoption at the Santa Monica Animal Shelter located at 1640 9th Street, Santa Monica CA, 90404. The shelter is closed to the public and adoptions are by appointment only by calling the shelter at (310) 458-8595.
Recent statistics show that 1 out of 3 cats and dogs will get lost in their lifetime. 90% of lost pets will never return home. Identification by microchips increases their chances of being found by 50%. Many pet owners choose not to microchip their pets due to myths rather than facts.
Myth: “Pet ID tags attached to collars are reliable in getting my lost pet returned!”
Fact: Collars come off. Microchipping retrieves your pet’s identification because your pet carries the chip in their body. At a low cost, it has a unique set of numbers that can be read by a veterinarian or animal shelter’s scanner. The owner’s information can be retrieved through the microchip company and the pet can be returned home.
Myth: “Microchippng is a life-threatening surgical procedure that is excruciating for pets!”
Fact: Michrochipping is not a surgical procedure. The size of a grain of rice, using a small needle, the microchip is inserted under the loose skin in between the shoulder blades. Similar to a simple injection, the procedure is quick, painless, and over in seconds.
Myth: “Microchips can get lost in my pet’s body and causes cancer!”
Fact: Microchips have a patented anti-migration feature that keeps microchips in place for up to 25 years. In rare cases, a small number of pets have developed tumors at the location of the microchip. This pales in comparison to the millions of animals that have had chips injected safely with no side effects.
Microchipping is a reliable way to get your pet returned to you, and your pet can beat the odds of becoming a new resident at an overcrowded animal shelter!
Pet of the Week is provided by Carmen Molinari, a long-time volunteer at the Santa Monica Animal Shelter and founder and CEO of Love At First Sit, a pet care and dog training company in Santa Monica. Learn about her, pet tips, and Love At First Sit services at loveatfirstsit.net