On June 23, Detectives from the Santa Monica Police Department’s (SMPD) Criminal Investigation Division presented the homicide case involving Sean Alexander Graves to the Airport Branch of the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office. The District Attorney’s Office declined to file charges against Graves at this particular time; therefore, he has been released from custody.
From when the incident occurred until the case was presented to the District Attorney’s Office, detectives reviewed numerous pieces of evidence including witness statements, evidence found at the crime scene, and video footage. Detectives determined that the individuals associated with the decedent were in possession of a handgun as they followed Graves and his female companion, and at some point, discharged that weapon.
Based on this information, the District Attorney’s Office believed that Graves may have acted in self-defense.
This incident remains under active investigation. SMPD detectives are asking for the public’s help. Anyone with any information or video related to this incident is encouraged to contact Detective Haro at (310) 458-8432 or at david.haro@smgov.net.
Submitted by Lieutenant Rudy Flores