The City of Malibu will hold two workshops to get community feedback for the creation of a Citywide Resiliency Plan on Tuesday, October 29, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM and Saturday, November 23, 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Malibu City Hall.
“Feedback from community members about their experiences, needs, ideas and concerns is crucial as we work together to make Malibu better able to respond to and recover from disasters,” said Mayor Karen Farrer. “I encourage everyone to attend one of the feedback workshops and add their voice to the discussion.”
The City is creating a comprehensive Citywide Resiliency Plan that will help Malibu be better prepared for and better able to recover from future disasters. Community input is crucial to creating a successful plan. The City invites all community members to attend the workshops and share their experiences, concerns and ideas. Discussion points will include better planning for the future, establishing priorities, and developing solutions to the challenges the City faces.
The workshops and the Resiliency Plan are part of the City’s Resiliency Program. Community resilience can be defined as the sustained capacity of a community to adapt to changing conditions, recover from adverse situations, and regain vitality. Community resilience is an important part of successfully recovering from the devastating Woolsey Fire. As a coastal community, resiliency planning will also help address the City’s vulnerability to the threats posed by climate change.
The Community Services Department and the Environmental Sustainability Departments have been hosting events to help residents heal and recover, and to be more resilient as individuals and as a community. Community Services Resiliency Programs include yoga, drama therapy, art therapy, meditation and music programs. The Environmental Sustainability Department Resiliency Programs include workshops on rebuilding after the fire with fire-resistant design, materials and landscaping, water and energy self-reliance and community emergency preparedness.
Refreshments will be provided. The event is hosted by the City of Malibu and co-sponsored by SoCalGas and Southern California Edison. For more information and to sign up, visit
Submitted by Matt Myerhoff, Malibu Media Information Officer