Ted Winterer, Mayor of Santa Monica
“I’m thankful for my wife and kids who help me to stay grounded and realize what’s really important in life. And for the Dems taking back the House.”
Gleam Davis, Mayor Pro Tempore of Santa Monica
“I am grateful that my family is healthy and happy. I also am thankful to live in a city where so many care so much about each other and are engaged in the larger community. Truly, We Are Santa Monica.”
Kevin McKeown, Santa Monica City Councilmember
"I am grateful to live in and serve our diverse and inclusive Santa Monica community, which has been my home for most of my life, and I am grateful for rent control, without which I myself could not afford to remain.”
Dr. Ben Drati, Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District Superintendent
“As we enter this season of giving, I want to express my thanks for the hard work and dedication toward student achievement and district goals by all staff, certificated and classified, throughout the year. I want to thank all staff, families and community members in Santa Monica and Malibu who are working to provide aid and support for those affected by the fire in Malibu, including dozens of families and staff members. We are thankful that, while property has been lost or damaged and families have been displaced, our families and staff who reside and/or work in Malibu are safe. The overwhelming response to help has been heartwarming and a testament to the people who live and work in our two caring, generous communities. I am thankful to be part of two communities that are rising to the challenges ahead.
I wish all families, staff and community members in Santa Monica and Malibu, and all your loved ones, a healthy and Happy Thanksgiving.”
Oscar De La Torre, Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District Board Member and Executive Director of Pico Youth & Family Center
“I am thankful for the Civil Rights Movement that created the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that led to the California Voting Rights Act of 2001 that led to our historic victory in Pico Neighborhood Association & Maria Loya v. the City of Santa Monica!"
Louise Jaffe, Santa Monica College Trustee
"Love. Sunshine. Health. Hope."