More than 60 double-crested cormorant eggs and chicks are receiving intensive care at International Bird Rescue's Los Angeles Wildlife Center after being rescued from a damaged tree in Marina del Rey.
The rescue was a coordinated effort between the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors and Bird Rescue after strong winds damaged a eucalyptus tree in Burton Chace Park in early March, causing a large trunk to collapse.
The tree, a popular nesting spot for cormorants, showed growing cracks along its remaining trunk and instability at its base. Its location next to a public walkway and parking lot necessitated quick removal to protect visitors and wildlife.
On March 10, officials from DBH, Bird Rescue, a tree contractor and two wildlife biologists worked together to rescue 20 nests as branches were cut. The eggs and chicks were taken to Bird Rescue's wildlife center in San Pedro.
Double-crested cormorants are colonial nesters, with parents taking turns incubating eggs over a monthlong period. Many rescued nests contained three to four eggs, some of which have already hatched.
Clinic staff are working into the night caring for the hatchlings, a process described as delicate and time-consuming. Many rescued chicks may remain in care for up to three months.
Bird Rescue has previously responded to similar wildlife crises, including the rescue of heron and egret chicks when their rookery tree partially collapsed in Oakland in 2019.
The Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors manages Marina del Rey harbor and 23 miles of beaches along the county coastline. International Bird Rescue has responded to over 250 oil spills and other wildlife emergencies since 1971, caring for more than 160,000 birds worldwide.