This week the Santa Monica – Malibu Unified School District will have two Board of Education (BOE) meetings this week.
The first upcoming meeting was originally scheduled for June 22, but has been rescheduled for Tuesday, June 27.
At the Tuesday meeting, the BOE will approve and appoint a McKinley Elementary School Principle.
There will be two public hearings during the meeting. The first public hearing will discuss the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). School districts are required to develop, adopt, and annually update a three-year LCAP related to funding.
The econd public hearing will consist of the Proposed Budget for 2017 – 18. This will inform the public about the most recent information including the received State and Federal funding. There will also be information including revenue and expenditure assumptions, the estimated reserve, revenue and expenditure summaries and multi-year projections.
“This meeting allows for our community to comment on our Local Control Accountability Plan and 2017 – 18 Budget prior to adoption,” said SMMUSD Chief Operations Officer, Carey Upton.
The Santa Monica – Malibu Education Foundation plans to contribute $2 million to SMMUSD. The City of Santa Monica estimates revenue from Prop Y and GSH to be at $16,400,000.
At the meeting there will be a detailed plan covering expenditure assumptions, salary, statutory benefits, Educational Protection Act, transportation, and ongoing maintenance programs.
On Thursday, June 29 the Board will be covering a lot more ground. Upton said, “The Thursday night BOE meeting is a regular end of the year meeting and it is filled with many important activities.”
There will be a discussion about the partnership between the district and the City about the construction of the multipurpose field and parking at the Civic Center.
The BOE will be taking action on five different topics. They will adopt the 2017 – 18 LCAP. Districts must include in their LCAP actions, services, and expenditures to be used to support students district wide, as well as additional services for students in need.
The Board will be adopting the general fund budget for 2017 – 18. This includes the most recent state and federal funding.
There will be an adoption of measure R parcel tax 2017 – 18 annual plan. The proposed plan requires that an expenditure plan should be developed annually for the succeeding fiscal year that will recommend expenditures of the tax proceeds, which are consistent with the intent of the funding measure.
In Feb. 2010, SMMUSD adopted the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the Lincoln Middle School Replacement of Building C, Modernization and Site Improvement Project.
As the district now proposes the Changed Project consist of the installation of four new 80-foot high field lights along the track, synthetic turf, and a five lane rubberized track. The Board will need to adopt a resolution that a Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration is the correct and accurate document for the Changed Lincoln Middle School Project.
Lastly, the Board will need to adopt a resolution, determining that the installation and operations of field lighting on the softball and baseball fields at Santa Monica High School, and is categorically exempt from the CEQA. The Board is recommended to approve the project and direct the filing of notice of exemption.
“This sets us up to continue to educate our students for another great year of learning,” said Upton. “We will hold only one board meeting in July, before returning to another school year in August. While we prepare for the coming year, we hope everyone has a lovely summer.”