As part of the City’s economic recovery efforts, a free online Ready to Work webinar will host presentations by local agencies on employment preparation, job search, job retention, career training, and offer certificate programs for career change, literacy programs, and training in technology. Agencies planning to participate include: Chrysalis, Hospitality Training Academy, JVS WorkSource, Santa Monica College - Noncredit Initiatives, SMMUSD Adult Education Center, and Santa Monica Public Library.
Following individual presentations by each agency, participants will have the opportunity to meet with individual agencies in a breakout room to sign up for their programs or schedule follow up appointments. The opening presentation will be recorded and made available on the City website. The program will be presented twice, one in English and one in Spanish.
English: Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting directly:
Meeting ID: 943 2781 5612 Passcode: hLW73C
Spanish: Wednesday, September 30, 2020, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting directly:
ID de Reunión: 938 7730 1627 Clave: r5bAVd
More information can be found at
This webinar is part of the City of Santa Monica’s Economic Recovery Task Force focused on accelerating a safe and healthy economic recovery and return to business. Recent city-wide economic recovery efforts include the expansion of outdoor dining and shopping, the creation of new online job resources for local employment seekers, business and rental relief programs, expanded availability of health and safety related signage and PPE available to local businesses, sharing of childcare resources for local employees and residents, and the development and implementation of the Santa Monica Shines COVID-19 Assurance Program.
For ongoing updates about Santa Monica’s Economic Recovery Efforts, visit For questions, contact the City of Santa Monica’s hotline at (310) 458-8400 or Sign up for emergency alerts by texting SMALERT to 888-777 and regular email updates at
Submitted by Constance Farrell