A Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District Board of Education meeting to be held this week will feature updates a’plenty.
In a study session-heavy school board meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 16, the board will be updated on items such as maintenance and operations reports, Next Generation Science Standards high school implementation and an update on a part of the implementation of the Family Engagement Framework.
Maintenance and Operations
The maintenance and operations presentation to be shown will include looks at categories including custodial staff, pest management and upcoming projects.
The presentation states that to “improve work performances and to provide better customer service to our students and staff” that custodial staff will now undergo monthly staff meetings and weekly evaluations of all staff work. Custodial staff will also be asked to partake in a morale survey.
Managing toxicity usage will be a topic discussed, with a slide showing times the district had used any toxic pesticides (only once, at 4 sites) and methods used to prevent toxic pesticide usage. Steps taken include better housekeeping of school grounds, glue and snap traps and usage of eco-friendly products.
The presentation will also show Before and After slides of completed work orders within the district. Pictures shown include renovated restrooms, turf installation, restored roofing, replaced water fountains and more. Future projects include more roof restorations and water fountain replacements as well as more bathroom renovations. They budget their future goal needs at $3.9 million. The team’s goal is to provide a safe learning environment for students.
Next Generation Science Standards
Next Generation Science Standards were adopted by the California Department of Education (CDE) in 2013. The NGSS are, according to the NGSS website, K–12 science content standards that set the expectations for what students should know and be able to do.
SMMUSD teachers participated in NGSS Awareness sessions 2016-2017, with high school discussing the NGSS goals and potential course models.
Last year staff crafted a plan with a focus on teacher leadership, professional learning, and instructional materials-- the Three-Course Model.
This presentation will show how science, English Language Arts and math are all implemented in getting high school students involved in inquiry-based learning.
Examples to be shown include chemical reaction and physics problem solving. Instructors working within NGSS and the Three-Course Model will be looking to shift their teaching styles from having students “learning about” to “figuring it out,” providing more student centered learning.
Family Engagement Framework
For this staff item, the agenda says “the district is focused on providing opportunities for families to develop and build their leadership skills with the end of goal of strengthening the partnership between families and school staff.” The presentation will see the Samohi PUENTE parent group -- Samohi’s Latino parent group-- detail the impact PIDA (Parents for Insusion, Diversity and Access) has had on the development of PUENTE as well as discuss their efforts to support student learning.
The meeting will be held on May 16, at 6 p.m. in the District Administrative Offices: 1651 16th Street.