There is an Irish proverb that states, “A man loves his sweetheart the most; his wife the best; but his mother the longest.”
This may be so. Mothers teach us lessons by what they say and do. They are very important people. Sons need them and their influence lasts a long, long time. It is the mother not the father who socializes the boy. She presents the example of how a female should be treated. “They embrace, nourish, and comport us. Our mothers are our conscious, and our safe harbor.” They do more than just give us life.
Author Sam Haskell has given us an important look at the principles learned through his mother’s daily lifestyle and speech.
Haskell was born in Mississippi in 1955 and moved to Los Angeles in 1978, but never quite lost his accent. He has been referred to by many as Gomer Pyle because of his speech patterns. His mother had told him “First and foremost, have faith in your dreams.” He seems never to have forgotten the good example his mother was. He shares her with us.
Haskell details his career in the William Morris Agency. He started in the mailroom and moved up to being one of their top agents. He has handled such programs as “Everyone Loves Raymond.” He represented Kathie Lee Gifford, Debbie Allen, Dolly Parton, Ray Romano, Bill Crosby, George Clooney, Whoopi Goldberg, Lily Tomlin and His Royal Highness Prince Edward.
“My mother’s life,” he reports, “was the best example of the importance of having special friends. Hers were her sister, Betty Rogers, my high school English teacher, Jeffrie Robinson; Virginia Cole, and Helen Rutledge. She could open her heart to these women, know they’d listen, and get emotional support and honest feedback without being judged.” Haskell took that to heart and made friends also.
He learned a secret. To get others to do what you want them to do you should present how it could benefit both of you. That is, give people what they want. Also seek understanding. Listen to what the other person has to say as to why they are reacting a certain way. “Every client comes with a mix-and-match assortment of the following: spouse, adviser, manager, hairdresser, physical trainer, driver, cook, psychic, relatives.” He states. ”When a compromise must be sought, it’s often these satellite folks who require it most.”
In this book he attempts to provide principles to live by. He does a very good job. Some principles covered are honesty, self-reliance and thoughtfulness.
Haskell has also provided a way to help young students who need financial assistance to attend college. He has established a scholarship fund in his mother’s name to do so. That also was based on a promise he made.
Anyone reading this book will come away with ideas on how to make this world better. You will also feel optimistic about the world. We need more people who will keep promises made to their parents. We also need more people who follow the good examples their mothers have left them.
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