Community Kids is a monthly program series centered on themes of equity, community involvement, and social justice for children ages 6-12. The Community Kids: Vote! program on Thursday, March 5, at 5 p.m. will focus on the importance of voting, cover new and exciting changes in LA County’s voting system designed to increase voter participation, and explore public service jobs in government. Presenters will be Zachary Gaidzic (West/Metro LA Field Deputy and Caseworker for Los Angeles County Supervisor, District 3, Sheila Kuehl) and Natalya Zernitskaya (President of the League of Women Voters of Santa Monica).
For more information, please call Youth Services at (310) 458-8621.
This program is free and open to children ages 6-12 and their families. The Santa Monica Public Library is wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, call Library Administration at (310) 458-8606 at least one week prior to the event. The Main Library is directly served by Big Blue Bus lines 1, R10 and 18. The Expo Line and Big Blue Bus lines 2, 3, R3 and 9 stop nearby. Ride your bike. Bicycle parking racks are available at the library.
Submitted by Debbie Glasser