June is Pet Preparedness Month and the City of Santa Monica is hosting a Pet Preparedness Photo Contest to encourage Santa Monica residents and employees to think about how our animals fit into disaster plans because pets are an important part of our families and may have special emergency needs.
Between June 12 and June 27, Santa Monica residents and those that work in Santa Monica should post photos on social media using #SMPrepared to show how their pet is prepared for a disaster or emergency. Photos will be judged on three criteria:
1) Humor
2) Creativity
3) Demonstrating an important disaster preparedness aspect
Post the photo on Twitter or Instagram and use the hashtag #SMPrepared. Photos with #SMPrepared will be reviewed for the contest and judged by a panel of City Public Safety employees. Other hashtags associated with Pet Preparedness Month include #PetPreparedness #PetPrepared and #GetReady.
The top 10 photos posted will be featured on Santa Monica’s blog and social media. The winner of the 2017 Santa Monica Pet Preparedness Contest will win a two-person emergency backpack with basic preparedness items.
Know what your pet should have in a disaster and what types of emergencies could impact the City of Santa Monica. Visit www.smgov.net/OEM/ or www.ready.gov/animals to learn more about what to do in an emergency and preparedness steps for both you, your family, community, and your pets!
All entries must be the original work of the individual posting the photo. Entries may not contain the following: alcohol, drugs, or any kind of illegal or inappropriate behavior. Entries that contain inappropriate material will be disqualified.
By posting a photo with the hashtag #SMPrepared, the City of Santa Monica social media team may repost your photo to promote the contest and pet preparedness activities.
- Submitted by Constance Farrell, Santa Monica Public Information Officer