As high demand for Metropolitan Water District turf replacement rebates burned through $340 million in record time, Santa Monica residents and businesses can still get money for water-saving landscape improvements. That's because the Santa Monica City Council voted last year to locally fund the replacement of traditional yards dominated by turf with climate-appropriate landscapes.
"Santa Monica is again leading the way, but the drought isn't over and even if we have a wet winter, this drought may look like 'the new normal,'" said Rick Cole, Santa Monica City Manager. "The rebate program saves residents money and puts our community on a sustainable path."
Some of the details include the following: water customers are eligible for up to $4,500 for replacing turf with water saving plants in their yard; later this summer, rebates for doing the same work in the parkway, the space between the street and sidewalk, will also be available, and; adding a rain garden can get you a bonus $1,000 in rebates.
Applying now gives you priority for all current and future rebates.
To receive the rebate check, residents must fill out an application, follow defined rebate guidelines and receive an inspection for approval of the work from the City.
"We're here to help you find easy ways to save water," said Dean Kubani, Sustainability Manager with the City of Santa Monica. "Landscape rebate participants see the biggest savings of all our water-saving programs. Homeowners realize upwards of 50% water savings by ditching their grass for native, water-smart landscaping."
The guidelines and application form can be found on the City website at
For one-on-one help and advice, residents are invited to attend the Sustainable Garden Event - city water efficiency experts and landscape consultants will be on-hand to showcase sustainable landscaping ideas, explain how to apply for rebates and provide specific water-saving tips. The event will be held on Saturday, August 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Airport Demonstration Garden, 3200 Airport Avenue,
Additionally, the City also offers two hour expert landscape design consultations at your home for only $50.
Free water use consultations are also available for those interested in learning about how to save water throughout their home or business.
For more information about these rebates and other practical water-saving measures and programs, please visit, call (310) 458-8972 or email