The Santa Monica Housing Commission will host a federal official from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, better known as HUD, during a special meeting on Thursday, Sept. 15.
Demetria McCain, HUD principal deputy assistant secretary at the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, will partake in a moderated Q&A on fair and affordable housing in Santa Monica. Following the Q&A, other guests including Douglas Rice, special policy advisor in the Office of Public and Indian Housing; Kenneth Carroll, regional director of the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity; and Meena Bavan, director of Public Housing (Los Angeles Field Office), will also be asked to weigh in during a listening session.
“Secretary McCain assists HUD efforts to eliminate housing discrimination, promote economic opportunity, and achieve diverse, inclusive communities, and we look forward to her joining the Housing Commission for a special roundtable discussion about affirmatively furthering fair and affordable housing in Santa Monica,” Housing Commission Chair Michelle Gray wrote in an email about the upcoming meeting.
Public comments are welcome following the Q&A, and members of the public are also encouraged to weigh in with their thoughts on fair and affordable housing.
The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 15, and can be attended virtually via Blue Jeans: Or via phone : +1.408.419.1715 or +1.408.915.6290 Meeting ID: 938 928 653 Participant Passcode:6687.
SMDP Staff