The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District has closed the Roosevelt Elementary School playground for a repair and service project beginning February 16, 2021. The temporary closure for school and community use includes the field, play structure, handball courts, blacktop and outdoor restrooms.
The playground is expected to reopen on March 9, 2021.
The CREST program will continue after school with access to the outdoor basketball courts only, with access from Lincoln Blvd. This is for the after-school program only. No public access.
Other SMMUSD playgrounds continue to be available as per our agreement with the City of Santa Monica. Hours are posted for each site and all COVID safety precautions such as wearing a face covering and keeping six feet apart are in effect. Schools with open playgrounds are: Franklin, McKinley, Muir / SMASH, Rogers, Grant and Edison. Lincoln Middle School is now open on weekends from 3-5 p.m. for community use.
Submitted by Gail Pinsker