The Venice Historical Society (VHS) has scheduled a classic evening with a lecture & slide show on the ever-popular Red Cars, narrated by Red Car maven and historian Alan Fishel.
The first railway service into Venice was in the 1880s with a connection in Inglewood through Venice on its way to Santa Monica. In the 1890s more lines were built to service Santa Monica, Ocean Park and Venice. The once-daily & ever-popular service along the beach ended in 1950.
Learn what happened in between.
The lecture will take two virtual rides on the electric trolley cars. The first trip leaves from downtown Los Angeles through Hollywood, Beverly Hills, West Los Angeles, Santa Monica and Venice in the 1930s. The second trip leaves from downtown Los Angeles on the Venice Short Line on Venice Blvd. passing through Culver City, West Los Angeles, Venice, Ocean Park and Santa Monica.
This sentimental journey is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 31, at 7 p.m., and will be held at the modern Oakwood Recreation Center, at 7th & California avenues, Venice, CA 90291. $5 for VHS members. $8 for non-members. Snacks available.
Join us for an evening at the Oakwood Recreation Center. For further information call 310-967-5170 and visit the society’s website at Street parking is available.
—Submitted by Jill Prestup