Dear EarthTalk: Are plans to mine uranium near the Grand Canyon, as proposed by the Bush administration in 2008, still...
Read moreDear EarthTalk How does the microwave compare in energy use, say, to using a gas or electric stove burner to...
Read moreDOWNTOWN — There is finally some good news to come out of Heal the Bay’s 19th Annual Beach Report Card...
Read moreDear EarthTalk What is “nanotechnology?” I’ve heard that nanoparticles are already in consumer products, yet we haven’t really studied their...
Read moreDear EarthTalk: Has anyone been tracking whether climate change is causing more loss of human life as it gets more...
Read moreDOWNTOWN — There’s the cost of going green, and then there’s the cost of letting everyone know about it. One...
Read moreCITYWIDE — Using a leaf blower within the city limits has been off limits since 1991, but a daytime walk...
Read moreDear EarthTalk I run a sorting machine at the post office, and am worried about all the paper dust swirling...
Read moreDear EarthTalk What is the status of Hawaiian monk seals and how will the new national monument designation in the...
Read moreOCEAN PARK BLVD — A newly planted pine tree will be the center of a ceremony today celebrating Earth Day...
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