An eight-story apartment building at 6th Street and Colorado Avenue will replace popular restaurant Fritto Misto.
The building at 601 Colorado Ave. will be eight stories tall and contain 140 apartments, with an additional 37 affordable apartments at 1238 7th St. Its ground floor will have more than 10,000 square feet of commercial space. The Planning Commission will vote Wednesday whether to grant the project from WS Communities, an offshoot of controversial developer NMS Properties, a development review permit.
Sixty-five percent of the 140 apartments will be one-bedrooms. 20% will be two-bedrooms and 15% will be three-bedrooms. It will also be built with a three-level subterranean parking garage designed to accommodate 114 automobiles and 239 bicycles.
Fritto Misto has occupied its one-story building for about three decades. The new building will also replace sushi restaurant Ninjin and dance instructor Maestro Studio.
The design of the proposed project consists of a transparent ground floor topped by four white towers that are connected by intermittent bridges. The ground floor design includes two common open space areas: a 1,507 square foot commercial plaza with an opening onto 6th Street and a 454 square foot residential plaza open to Colorado Avenue.
The building on 7th Street that will satisfy the project's affordable housing requirements will be six stories tall and contain 37 apartments available to households making 30%, 50% and 80% of the area median income, as well as moderate-income households.
Sixty-five percent of the apartments will be one-bedrooms. 22% will be two-bedrooms and 13% will be three-bedrooms.