Clean Power Alliance (CPA) has released a Request for Offers (RFO) for its Power Ready program and seeks developers that are uniquely qualified to build power resiliency in numerous Southern California communities. The need for backup power systems is growing as power outages become more likely with increased wildfires, public safety power shutoffs, aging infrastructure, and increased grid emergencies due to high heat.
Power Ready is a community benefit program offered to CPA’s partner communities in order to make public buildings, which serve a critical community purpose, energy-resilient by installing solar-plus-storage systems to ensure a backup source of energy is available when an outage occurs.
Power Ready is one of the many community benefit programs offered to CPA’s communities. This initial phase of the program will provide critical backup power systems to 12 public facilities throughout Los Angeles and Ventura counties. In addition to providing this benefit at no cost to its participating communities, CPA has made participation in the program easy by contracting with a developer/ financier to build, own, and operate the systems for 20 years.
“When we started talking to our partner communities about resilience, they identified the need for backup energy capabilities at their critical facilities,” said Clean Power Alliance CEO Ted Bardacke. “The Power Ready program leverages CPA’s collective purchasing power and energy expertise to help meet this ongoing need for increased resiliency.”
Further information regarding the Power Ready program is available online at For complete information regarding CPA visit
Submitted by Clean Power Alliance