The Nov. 6th monthly workshop sponsored by the Committee For Racial Justice (CRJ) is entitled WHO IS RUNNING THIS TOWN? That’s the question the leadership of CRJ and the Coalition For Police Reform (CPR) in Santa Monica have been asking for a while. Many may be asking that same question in preparation to vote for city council members, school board members, and a number of other offices. It’s not just an inquiry into individual personalities and their priorities. Answering the question, “Who is running this town?” involves knowing something about the roles of culture and power and fear in our community.
CRJ’s monthly workshops are open to any interested person and are usually on the first Sunday evening of the month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. still on zoom for now. To attend this zoom, folks will need to preregister at this link: in order to be sent the zoom link for entry on Nov. 6.
There will be a panel to address issues raised by this provocative question of who runs our town. Two of its members will be George Brown, Executive Director of the Stanford Center for Racial Justice, and Angela Scott, member of the CRJ Steering Committee & a SM Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commissioner.
More information about these 2 and other panel members will be forthcoming in future press releases. In a non-partisan way, we will call out some inaccuracies that have appeared in local papers and explore what kind of community organizing can help put us on a road to the transformation of some of the toxic systems and policies that influence the culture of this town in which we are living.
This will be an important conversation with plenty of time for Q & A and input from participants. Come join us on Nov. 6 and learn more about how you can participate in building a stronger, more equitable, and more secure future.
For more information, call 310-422-5431
Submitted by Joanne Berlin