As you know, during the ongoing pandemic, street sweeping was only taking place the first full week of every month. I checked last week and the website indicated that regulation was still in effect.
When I got a parking ticket today for parking on Idaho near 16th, I called the police and was referred to the Parking Enforcement Office. I spoke with Officer Marquez and she told me that the street sweeping regulations were reinstated yesterday by the Resource Recovery Recycling Office. I was never notified and neither was anyone else I know.
Today, I discovered that as of yesterday, August 30, 2021, normal street sweeping restrictions were back in place.
I called the RRR Office and while waiting on hold to speak with a live person, I heard the following message, “Monthly street sweeping is scheduled for the first full week of every month.” Paula, in that RRR Office admitted that the reinstated street sweeping instructions were “confusing” and she apologized.
I don’t know a single resident who was notified of this sudden change including me. A friend told me that he spoke with one of the parking enforcement officers on 3rd Street yesterday and that they were late because “we were writing so many more parking tickets.”
The city needed to alert residents regarding this change in a better way. Had that been done, I could have easily moved my car to avoid this $73.00 ticket.
Gary Gurner, Santa Monica