Malibu City Hall will be opened to the public by appointment only effective Monday, March 16 in an abundance of caution to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus and to protect the health and safety of the community, especially seniors and other high-risk groups. There are no confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Malibu.
“I understand that this is inconvenient, and I want to assure the community that the City Council and staff are doing everything possible to continue City services and protect public health and safety,” said Mayor Karen Farrer. “We must come together as a community, be prepared, and follow public health officials’ recommended precautions to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, and protect our vulnerable populations.”
The City remains committed to serving the community, and City business will continue to operate. Although City Hall and all public counters will be closed to the public, staff will be available to assist anyone with City business including plan review, permit issuance and building inspection. The public is encouraged to call or email City staff to make appointments.
To make appointments, please call or email:
Building Safety Department (including Environmental Health, Coastal Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering): Call 310-456-2489, ext. 390 or Email
Planning Department (including Biology): Call 310-456-2489, ext. 485 or Email
Public Works Department: Call 310-456-2489, ext. 391 or Email
All other City business: 310-456-2489, ext. 392 or Email
The City of Malibu continues to implement measures to protect the public health and safety and prevent the possible spread of the Coronavirus. Following the recommendations of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LADPH), California Office of Emergency Management (CALOES) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the City is taking steps to limit public gatherings and reduce the likelihood of community spread.
Other Actions the City Has Taken
All City Commission meetings cancelled until further notice (3/13/2020)
All non-essential City programs and services postponed or cancelled through April 30 (3/12/2020)
Long range Pandemic planning in development (3/12/2020, ongoing)
Emergency Operations Center activated at lowest level (3/12/2020 )
Senior programs, classes, and events cancelled (3/11/2020)
Dedicated Coronavirus webpage created (3/11/2020)
Emergency and remote staffing plans being prepared (3/10/2020, ongoing)
Created a Pandemic Response Plan (3/9/2020)
City Hall public spaces regularly cleaned and sanitized (3/3/2020, ongoing)
Daily conference calls with State, County and regional public health agencies (3/2/2020)
Regular Emergency public messaging distributed daily
The March 23, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting will be held as scheduled. All other City Commission meetings have been cancelled until further notice.
The Senior Center is closed, but Senior Center staff will still be available to assist any seniors in the community that need assistance. For assistance, call the Senior Center at 310-456-2489 ext. 357. The Dial-A-Ride program will continue to operate, and Dial-A-Ride vehicles are regularly disinfected.
For a complete list of programs, meetings and events that are cancelled or postponed, visit
The City, in standard preparation for any emergency or disaster, has plans in place for continuity of government services and business operations. In addition, the City has created a Pandemic Response Plan to address continuity of operations for businesses, and City government services in case a serious outbreak of the Coronavirus (or other communicable disease) occurs locally.
The public is urged to follow these hygiene and containment measures:
· Avoid / stay away from sick people;
· Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or alcohol-based hand cleaner;
· Keep hands away from eyes, nose and mouth;
· Disinfect public counters, desks, common areas, phones, keyboards and other high-touch surfaces;
· Use disinfectant wipes identified for use against Influenza A&B and Coronaviruses;
· If you have symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing) stay home and call a doctor;
· Remain home until you have spoken with your doctor or health provider and are cleared to return to work; and
· Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and throw away the tissue.
For updates and information about the Coronavirus situation in the United States and in Los Angeles County, severity, treatments, precautions, and other important public health information in multiple languages, please visit LADPH at and the CDC at
Submitted by Matt Myerhoff, Media Information Officer