On Oct. 16th the Committee For Racial Justice, Santa Monica/Venice NAACP, the Coalition For Police Reform, and the African American Parent, Staff, Student Support Group will question candidates running to represent our community on the Santa Monica City Council and candidates running for the Santa Monica College Board of Trustees. There will also be time for questions from the general audience. This forum will be moderated by Sabrina Fields, MSW from Community Corp.
On election day, November 8, this year Santa Monica residents will elect four members to the City Council and three trustees for SMC. There is no election this year for our school board members since there are three openings and only three candidates.
Most all of the candidates running for City Council and all of those running for the Board of Trustees of SMC will be present. Come with your questions and make your own evaluation of the people seeking to lead our city.
Call 310-422-5431 for more information.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
5:30-8:30 pm (potluck supper at 5:30pm & SMCollege Trustees Candidates at 6:00pm, followed by City Council candidates at 7:00pm)
Location: Virginia Avenue Park
Thelma Terry Bldg.
2200 Virginia Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
— Submitted by Joanne Berlin