The bottom line is that in Santa Monica the current mode of signalization discriminates against, and makes the lives of pedestrians, particularly the elderly, and the handicapped more dangerous and stressful! The Promenade, an ostensibly pedestrian friendly venue, for example, gives more green light time at Arizona for cars than pedestrians, [I] recently had to wait for a whole minute for the walk sign to come on, despite the fact there was only a single car in that time. Similar signalization gaffes occur throughout the city! Fact that the city has ignored the rights of pedestrians for so many years gives lie to any notion that we are a green city! Observed at Stewart and Kansas 10 out of 10 cars failed to stop for the Boulevard stop sign! Stephen Hawking for all his brilliance wouldn't be able to catch a walk sign at most intersections in Santa Monica because he can't push a button, same intersections have detected cars for decades, for shame!
Steven Keats
Santa Monica