Thanks to Dennis R. Malm of Santa Monica, I did some research online. From www.zerowaterconsulting.com: "In the Palm Springs area alone, there are 124 golf courses — and they are very thirsty. A golf course is a major water consumer for any public utility and here that usage is multiplied by 124. An estimated 1 million gallons of water per day is needed for each facility adding up to about a quarter of all the water used by the area."
I haven't much hope that we will get golf courses to sacrifice their greens. Some are using recycled water and are studying how to cut back. I hope their rates are higher for this exorbitant usage.
On a personal level, I choose to keep 5-gallon and 2-gallon buckets in my bathtub.
As the hot water travels from the water heater to my shower I catch five gallons or more of cold water. I carry these gallons downstairs and water my patio garden.
The latest population statistics found for Santa Monica indicate we have 89,736 people here.
If we subtract the homeless, who may not have the luxury of a daily shower, we have the potential to save approximately 445,000 gallons daily (?) per shower. That does not compare to the golf course usage, but would make a difference.
I like to see the new landscaping with drought-resistant plants happening more and more.
We must be conscious that we are living in Santa Monica in a coastal desert area and be mindful of preserving this lovely spot.
Marilyn Alexander
Santa Monica