Dr. Timothy Davis and the team at Orthopedic Pain Specialists in Santa Monica, is one of 25 centers across the country now enrolling patients for the ACCURATE study, a clinical trial to determine the safety and efficacy of the Axium Neurostimulator System for chronic neuropathic pain affecting their lower limbs (such as the leg, foot, or groin) due to Chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS) or post-surgical neuropathic pain.
Chronic neuropathic pain, affecting millions of Americans, is particularly difficult to treat because it can appear to have no obvious cause. These patients often struggle through years of doctors' visits and unsuccessful treatments-over the counter methods and drug cocktails-without long-term pain relief.
The Axium Neurostimulator system is the only spinal cord stimulator that targets a branch of spinal cord called the dorsal root ganglion (DRG), which acts as the traffic signal transmitting pain signals from the brain to the lower extremities. To qualify for this free trial, patients must:
• Be between the ages of 22 and 75
• Have had chronic pain affecting lower limbs for at least six months
• Have not seen lasting success with other treatments and
• Have not previously used spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain.
To learn more about the clinical trial and to see if they qualify, please visit www.ACCURATEstudy.com or call 888-978-8397.