There's a vacancy to serve on City Hall's Personnel Board.
Applications are due by July 16 and the selected person will be appointed at a City Council meeting on July 23.
The Personnel Board is an advisory body to the council and personnel director on matters pertaining to personnel administration and a quasi-judicial review body for hearing employee appeals of certain disciplinary actions. In conducting its business the board considers the rights and interests of city employees, the city administration and the citizens and taxpayers of Santa Monica.
The position requires the person to be a registered voter of Santa Monica. Those interested may not hold a paid office/employment nor be a candidate for any other public office or positions. They are also prohibited from serving as an officer of any local, state or national partisan club or organization.
The selected board member is additionally subject to the requirements stipulated in the Oaks Initiative, also known as the Taxpayer Protection Act, adopted by Santa Monica voters in November 2000 which amends the City Charter. The initiative prohibits city public officials who have approved or voted to approve a public benefit from receiving a personal or campaign advantage from the recipient of the public benefit for one year from the time the official leaves office, or if shorter, five years after conferring the public benefit.
Duties as stated in the initiative include keeping track of all actions by which a public benefit is conferred and returning any personal or campaign advantages within 10 days of receiving them. A civil action may be brought against the official and a civil monetary penalty may be imposed for failing to meet these duties and requirements.
For more information on the Personnel Board, visit