CITYWIDE — Police officers will be out in force this holiday weekend, patrolling areas statistically prone to motorcycle accidents and conducting a sobriety and driver’s license checkpoint.
The checkpoint will occur on Friday evening. Traffic fatalities in California are the lowest they’ve been in six decades, yet the checkpoint will be conducted in response to a continuing campaign to reduce accidents, injuries and fatalities related to drunk driving,
Officers will also verify driver’s licenses at the checkpoint because unlicensed drivers are over-represented in fatal crashes, according to the SMPD.
On Saturday and Sunday, officers will strictly enforce motorcycle-related traffic laws. Though motorcycle-related fatalities have decreased in recent years, California is still one of three states leading the nation in fatal motorcycle accidents, according to the SMPD.
Lincoln and Ocean avenues are likely areas to be covered, said SMPD Sgt. Richard Lewis.
Statistics show that motorcycle crashes are often caused by drivers under the influence. The SMPD encourages those who drink to pick a designated driver or call taxis when intoxicated. Officers also encourage inexperienced motorcyclists to obtain a legitimate license and seek proper training.